C: Cecilia Nordlund Alla sa att allting var farligt, Far East Movement/Justin Bieber Live My Life. D: B.O.B. So Good, Bring Me the F****** Riot… Man There Is Something Wrong in Your Head, Deadmau5 Maths, Grouplove Colours, K’Naan/Nelly Furtado Is Anybody Out There?, Madeon Icarus, Miguel Adom, Panda Da Panda Turbulens. E: Joker On My Mind (Rustle Remix), Sandro Silva/Quintino Epic, Totally Enourmous Extinct Dinosaurs Tapes & Memory. |
C: Lionel Richie/Jill Johnson Sail On, Roxette It’s Possible, Top Cats Baby Doll, Torsten Flinck/Revolutionsorkestern Jag reser mig igen. D: Carrie Underwood Good Girl, Jakob Samuel Stars & Grace, John Mayer Shadow Days, Lena Philipsson Du följer väl med?, Rufus Wainwright Out of the Game, Staffan Hellstrand Ögonblick i månljus. |
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Laleh Some Die Young, Lisa Miskovsky Why Start a Fire, Timbuktu Flickan och kråkan. Veckans hitvarning: Loreen Euphoria. |
Veckans adderingar
9 mars 2012 06:51Radionytt ansvarar inte för externt länkat innehåll.