Veckans adderingar

A: Veronica Maggio Sergels torg
B: Lady Gaga Applause
C: Arctic Monkeys Why’d You Only Call When You’re High
C: Crystal Fighters LA Calling
C: Henrik B/Niklas Gustavson Echoes
C: Holograms Meditations
C: Ida Redig Shout
D: Alunageorge Best Be Believing
D: Amanda Fondell Let the Rain Fall
D: Besa Kransiqi I Wait for You Tonight
D: Chlöe Howl No Strings
D: Dregen Just Like That
D: Duck Sauce It’s You
D: Mayra Verónica Mama mia
E: Könsförrädare Raging River
B: Lady Gaga Applause
B: Veronica Maggio Sergels torg
D: Capital Cities Safe and Sound
D: John de Sohn/Andreas Moe Under the Sun (Where We Belong) (Acoustic Version)
D: Justin Timberlake Take Back the Night
D: Lisa Miskovsky Coming on Strong
D: Mikael Wiehe/Eva Dahlgren Du ska komma
D: Sunrise Avenue Lifesaver
D: Timbuktu Inte stor nog
Lady Gaga Applause
Veronica Maggio Sergels torg
nrj John Newman Love Me Agains
Katy Perry Roar
Lady Gaga Applause
Nause Move
Veronica Maggio Sergels torg
Bruno Mars Treasure
Katy Perry Roar
Lady Gaga Applause
Veronica Maggio Sergels torg


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